Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Industry Partner Spotlight
Practical Approach to Securing Your Patient’s Journey
Medical device security initiatives over the last decade have been instantiated through IT due to their characteristics as an edge computing device. As a result, healthcare organizations have had to take some time to understand the operational implications of applying traditional security methodologies when mitigating threats that may impact care delivery and patient safety. While this approach has yielded innovations in technology that baselines communications behavior, device configurations, and visibility into specialized network protocols, we still need to account for context from clinical and operational workflows.
Janette Wider, Editor-in-Chief - Healthcare Purchasing News
Oscar Miranda, Field CTO - Armis
Mohammad Waqas, Principal Sales Engineer - Armis
Oscar Miranda, Field CTO - Armis
Mohammad Waqas, Principal Sales Engineer - Armis